Thursday, November 24, 2005

Baked Quinces, Nuts in Salads, Butternut Pumpkin, Beans

Cut quinces in half and place a mixture of creamed (with sugar) butter and mixed dried fruit in between the two halves; the mixture was about a centimetre thick - mmm that's a lot of butter and sugar; I also stuck some cloves on the surface of the quinces; then baked them on a really low heat for about 4 hours or longer!

Roasted hazelnuts and unsalted cashews in your salads are good.

Butternut pumpkin: cut the pumpkin into about 0.5 centimetre thick or less slices and salt quite heavily - I opened up the hole on the salt shaker and just dumped the stuff out - then you fry in plenty of oil on a medium heat 'til it looks sort of like a roast pumpkin should.

After cadet camp I never thought I could ever eat four-bean mix again but we ate cans of the stuff over the past week: in nachos; this tuna salad with beans thing; other salads. Beans are great and good for you, although I think a bit of a novelty food - a bit like meringue, you couldn't eat meringue all day every day and quite frankly you wouldn't want to do so with beans.