Saturday, December 13, 2014

libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast

This error occurred for me running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with nvidia-331-updates proprietary driver.


when you run the command  

ldconfig -p | grep

you want the output to look like this: (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/nvidia-331-updates/ (libc6) => /usr/lib32/nvidia-331-updates/ (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/nvidia-331-updates/ (libc6) => /usr/lib32/nvidia-331-updates/

but it doesn't.

go to

cd /etc/

list all of your files in there


check each file

nano filename.conf 

if the file has a line pointing to "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa" replace with "/usr/lib32" or delete the file if another file in the directory already has this then:

sudo ldconfig 

and check the output of

ldconfig -p | grep 


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Web scraping databases with Ruby

Web scraping databases with Ruby


This post is more of an overview with issues that I have encountered and my way of approaching accumulating data records from websites than a technical how-to. For technical information read the documentation and consult stackoverflow or other forums. I do provide a neat way to turn your json records into csv courtesy of an unattributed forum post (if I find it again, I will attribute).


  1. Ruby 2.1 or up;
  2. mechanize for Ruby;
  3. nokogiri;
  4. json gem. 
Alternatively to point 2. above you will need the following bundle:
  1. watir
  2. watir-webdriver
  3. headless


  1. Examine your target database - you can usually search by some identifier number. What range of numbers does the database employ? Does it count up from 1 or 1000? Are there series of numbers associated with a type of record as part of the set you are acquiring (e.g. individual or corporation)? Does the range have zeros prepended?
  2. Determine the range of numbers you wish to search.
  3. Divide this up into manageable sub-ranges if the numbers exceed say 10,000 queries. Or if there are 20 million queries, perhaps you do 20 sub-ranges of a million each.
  4. Test getting to a sample target record in irb with mechanize first. Can you successfully submit the form? Save the result and examine what appears in your browser.
  5. If you can get to the target record with mechanize then you have two options: save the html for each record and post-process; or process on the fly. Either way you will be using nokogiri and xpath selectors.
  6. If you can't figure it out with mechanize (usually because there is a whole pile of javascript going on), then you will have to use the webdriver headless option: start off without headless and test with irb. You may well have to process on the fly, so monitor your records as they come through and restart if something is amiss.
  7. Process your data with nokogiri and xpath selectors. Using Firebug will help you visualise where things are. Remember: nokogiri structures everything into an onion of associative arrays (hashes).
  8. Changing the xml tags with nokogiri can sometimes be the silver bullet to help you solve a problem of logic in extracting data!
  9. Conditional statements are your friend. There may be 5 potential rows of data but only four, three or two appear in various records in your range. Can you use conditional statements about label text or distinguishing tags to help you?
  10. Save your records as one record per file by the number you searched for in json format as a hash mimicking the website record. You can convert this to csv later for presentation in spreadsheets with the following:
require 'json'
require 'csv'
ary =

Dir.foreach("data") do |f|
  next if f == '.' or f == '..'
  # put the file into the hash
  record_json ="data#{f}", "r").read
  record = JSON.parse(record_json)

  ary << record 
end"data/data.csv", "wb") do |csv|
  csv << ary.first.keys
  ary.each do |hash|
    csv << hash.values

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Chilli Chicken Variation # 3 #paleo

Butter, onion, sambal oeleck, mustard powder, ground coriander.
"Simmer" on low heat as if to caramelise. Add boiling water as required to prevent burning.

Cut strips of thigh and coat in coconut flour.

Braise chicken in base - still on low heat. Add very small amounts of boiling water if required. Add small splashes of maple syrup after chicken is mostly cooked. Then continue to braise for a bit longer than you would expect due to low heat. Chicken juices should eventually moisten the base.

Boiled baby carrots and baby corn between roquet garnish around edge of plate.