Friday, September 24, 2004

Cooked up Burnt Butter Biscuit recipe from Fulton on two occasions the other week: the first time I rolled the dough into balls, which were too big- how big's a walnut? I don't have any walnuts lying around how am i suposed to know how big a walnut is?- the recipe said roll into balls the size of a walnut, is that the size of a testicle?; the second time I did without the recipe and so by feel because I didn't think I had 4 oz. of butter- however much that is, the metric system is the only system for me, and it makes sense too- and I rolled the whole mixture flat into one big biscuit- this was tasty except i think if i had made several small bisuits they would have been even more satisfying being crunchier, never mind.

Tomorrow I'm baking another cake for another birthday, I think it will be rock cake!

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